
Codecs are used to encapsulate the logic required to encode / decode payloads following the Open Inference Protocol into high-level Python types. You can read more about the high-level concepts behind codecs in the Content Types (and Codecs) section of the docs, as well as how to use them.

Base Codecs¶

All the codecs within MLServer extend from either the InputCodec or the RequestCodec base classes. These define the interface to deal with input (outputs) and request (responses) respectively.

class mlserver.codecs.InputCodec¶

The InputCodec interface lets you define type conversions of your raw input data to / from the Open Inference Protocol. Note that this codec applies at the individual input (output) level.

For request-wide transformations (e.g. dataframes), use the RequestCodec interface instead.

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_input(request_input: RequestInput) → Any¶

Decode a request input into a high-level Python type.

classmethod decode_output(response_output: ResponseOutput) → Any¶

Decode a response output into a high-level Python type.

classmethod encode_input(name: str, payload: Any, **kwargs) → RequestInput¶

Encode the given payload into a RequestInput.

classmethod encode_output(name: str, payload: Any, **kwargs) → ResponseOutput¶

Encode the given payload into a response output.

class mlserver.codecs.RequestCodec¶

The RequestCodec interface lets you define request-level conversions between high-level Python types and the Open Inference Protocol. This can be useful where the encoding of your payload encompases multiple input heads (e.g. dataframes, where each column can be thought as a separate input head).

For individual input-level encoding / decoding, use the InputCodec interface instead.

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_request(request: InferenceRequest) → Any¶

Decode an inference request into a high-level Python object.

classmethod decode_response(response: InferenceResponse) → Any¶

Decode an inference response into a high-level Python object.

classmethod encode_request(payload: Any, **kwargs) → InferenceRequest¶

Encode the given payload into an inference request.

classmethod encode_response(model_name: str, payload: Any, model_version: str | None = None, **kwargs) → InferenceResponse¶

Encode the given payload into an inference response.

Built-in Codecs¶

The mlserver package will include a set of built-in codecs to cover common conversions. You can learn more about these in the Available Content Types section of the docs.

class mlserver.codecs.Base64Codec¶

Codec that convers to / from a base64 input.

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_input(request_input: RequestInput) → List[bytes]¶

Decode a request input into a high-level Python type.

classmethod decode_output(response_output: ResponseOutput) → List[bytes]¶

Decode a response output into a high-level Python type.

classmethod encode_input(name: str, payload: List[bytes], use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → RequestInput¶

Encode the given payload into a RequestInput.

classmethod encode_output(name: str, payload: List[bytes], use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → ResponseOutput¶

Encode the given payload into a response output.

class mlserver.codecs.DatetimeCodec¶

Codec that convers to / from a datetime input.

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_input(request_input: RequestInput) → List[datetime]¶

Decode a request input into a high-level Python type.

classmethod decode_output(response_output: ResponseOutput) → List[datetime]¶

Decode a response output into a high-level Python type.

classmethod encode_input(name: str, payload: List[str | datetime], use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → RequestInput¶

Encode the given payload into a RequestInput.

classmethod encode_output(name: str, payload: List[str | datetime], use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → ResponseOutput¶

Encode the given payload into a response output.

class mlserver.codecs.NumpyCodec¶

Decodes an request input (response output) as a NumPy array.


alias of ndarray

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_input(request_input: RequestInput) → ndarray¶

Decode a request input into a high-level Python type.

classmethod decode_output(response_output: ResponseOutput) → ndarray¶

Decode a response output into a high-level Python type.

classmethod encode_input(name: str, payload: ndarray, **kwargs) → RequestInput¶

Encode the given payload into a RequestInput.

classmethod encode_output(name: str, payload: ndarray, **kwargs) → ResponseOutput¶

Encode the given payload into a response output.

class mlserver.codecs.NumpyRequestCodec¶

Decodes the first input (output) of request (response) as a NumPy array. This codec can be useful for cases where the whole payload is a single NumPy tensor.


alias of NumpyCodec

class mlserver.codecs.PandasCodec¶

Decodes a request (response) into a Pandas DataFrame, assuming each input (output) head corresponds to a column of the DataFrame.


alias of DataFrame

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_request(request: InferenceRequest) → DataFrame¶

Decode an inference request into a high-level Python object.

classmethod decode_response(response: InferenceResponse) → DataFrame¶

Decode an inference response into a high-level Python object.

classmethod encode_request(payload: DataFrame, use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → InferenceRequest¶

Encode the given payload into an inference request.

classmethod encode_response(model_name: str, payload: DataFrame, model_version: str | None = None, use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → InferenceResponse¶

Encode the given payload into an inference response.

class mlserver.codecs.StringCodec¶

Encodes a list of Python strings as a BYTES input (output).

classmethod can_encode(payload: Any) → bool¶

Evaluate whether the codec can encode (decode) the payload.

classmethod decode_input(request_input: RequestInput) → List[str]¶

Decode a request input into a high-level Python type.

classmethod decode_output(response_output: ResponseOutput) → List[str]¶

Decode a response output into a high-level Python type.

classmethod encode_input(name: str, payload: List[str], use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → RequestInput¶

Encode the given payload into a RequestInput.

classmethod encode_output(name: str, payload: List[str], use_bytes: bool = True, **kwargs) → ResponseOutput¶

Encode the given payload into a response output.

class mlserver.codecs.StringRequestCodec¶

Decodes the first input (output) of request (response) as a list of strings. This codec can be useful for cases where the whole payload is a single list of strings.


alias of StringCodec