# Content Types (and Codecs) Machine learning models generally expect their inputs to be passed down as a particular Python type. Most commonly, this type ranges from _"general purpose"_ NumPy arrays or Pandas DataFrames to more granular definitions, like `datetime` objects, `Pillow` images, etc. Unfortunately, the definition of the [V2 Inference Protocol](https://docs.seldon.io/projects/seldon-core/en/latest/reference/apis/v2-protocol.html) doesn't cover any of the specific use cases. This protocol can be thought of a wider _"lower level"_ spec, which only defines what fields a payload should have. To account for this gap, MLServer introduces support for **content types**, which offer a way to let MLServer know how it should _"decode"_ V2-compatible payloads. When shaped in the right way, these payloads should _"encode"_ all the information required to extract the higher level Python type that will be required for a model. To illustrate the above, we can think of a Scikit-Learn pipeline, which takes in a Pandas DataFrame and returns a NumPy Array. Without the use of **content types**, the V2 payload itself would probably lack information about how this payload should be treated by MLServer Likewise, the Scikit-Learn pipeline wouldn't know how to treat a raw V2 payload. In this scenario, the use of content types allows us to specify information on what's the actual _"higher level"_ information encoded within the V2 protocol payloads. ![Content Types](../assets/content-type.svg) ## Usage ```{note} Some inference runtimes may apply a content type by default if none is present. To learn more about each runtime's defaults, please check the [relevant inference runtime's docs](../runtimes/index). ``` To let MLServer know that a particular payload must be decoded / encoded as a different Python data type (e.g. NumPy Array, Pandas DataFrame, etc.), you can specifity it through the `content_type` field of the `parameters` section of your request. As an example, we can consider the following dataframe, containing two columns: Age and First Name. | First Name | Age | | ---------- | --- | | Joanne | 34 | | Michael | 22 | This table, could be specified in the V2 protocol as the following payload, where we declare that: - The whole set of inputs should be decoded as a Pandas Dataframe (i.e. setting the content type as `pd`). - The First Name column should be decoded as a UTF-8 string (i.e. setting the content type as `str`). ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 2-4, 9-11 --- { "parameters": { "content_type": "pd" }, "inputs": [ { "name": "First Name", "datatype": "BYTES", "parameters": { "content_type": "str" }, "shape": [2], "data": ["Joanne", "Michael"] }, { "name": "Age", "datatype": "INT32", "shape": [2], "data": [34, 22] }, ] } ``` To learn more about the available content types and how to use them, you can see all the available ones in the [Available Content Types](#available-content-types) section below. ```{note} It's important to keep in mind that content types can be specified at both the **request level** and the **input level**. The former will apply to the **entire set of inputs**, whereas the latter will only apply to a **particular input** of the payload. ``` ### Codecs Under the hood, the conversion between content types is implemented using _codecs_. In the MLServer architecture, codecs are an abstraction which know how to _encode_ and _decode_ high-level Python types to and from the V2 Inference Protocol. Depending on the high-level Python type, encoding / decoding operations may require access to multiple input or output heads. For example, a Pandas Dataframe would need to aggregate all of the input-/output-heads present in a V2 Inference Protocol response. ![Request Codecs](../assets/request-codecs.svg) However, a Numpy array or a list of strings, could be encoded directly as an input head within a larger request. ![Input Codecs](../assets/input-codecs.svg) To account for this, codecs can work at either the request- / response-level (known as **request codecs**), or the input- / output-level (known as **input codecs**). Each of these codecs, expose the following **public interface**, where `Any` represents a high-level Python datatype (e.g. a Pandas Dataframe, a Numpy Array, etc.): - **Request Codecs** - {func}`encode_request() ` - {func}`decode_request() ` - {func}`encode_response() ` - {func}`decode_response() ` - **Input Codecs** - {func}`encode_input() ` - {func}`decode_input() ` - {func}`encode_output() ` - {func}`decode_output() ` Note that, these methods can also be used as helpers to **encode requests and decode responses on the client side**. This can help to abstract away from the user most of the details about the underlying structure of V2-compatible payloads. For example, in the example above, we could use codecs to encode the DataFrame into a V2-compatible request simply as: ```python import pandas as pd from mlserver.codecs import PandasCodec dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'First Name': ["Joanne", "Michael"], 'Age': [34, 22]}) inference_request = PandasCodec.encode_request(dataframe) print(inference_request) ``` For a full end-to-end example on how content types and codecs work under the hood, feel free to check out this [Content Type Decoding example](../examples/content-type/README.md). #### Converting to / from JSON When using MLServer's request codecs, the output of encoding payloads will always be one of the classes within the `mlserver.types` package (i.e. {class}`InferenceRequest ` or {class}`InferenceResponse `). Therefore, if you want to use them with `requests` (or other package outside of MLServer) you will need to **convert them to a Python dict or a JSON string**. Luckily, these classes leverage [Pydantic](https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/) under the hood. Therefore you can just call the `.dict()` or `.json()` method to convert them. Likewise, to read them back from JSON, we can always pass the JSON fields as kwargs to the class' constructor (or use any of the [other methods](https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/usage/models/#model-properties) available within Pydantic). For example, if we want to send an inference request to model `foo`, we could do something along the following lines: ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 10-11, 15-18 --- import pandas as pd import requests from mlserver.codecs import PandasCodec dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'First Name': ["Joanne", "Michael"], 'Age': [34, 22]}) inference_request = PandasCodec.encode_request(dataframe) # raw_request will be a Python dictionary compatible with `requests`'s `json` kwarg raw_request = inference_request.dict() response = requests.post("localhost:8080/v2/models/foo/infer", json=raw_request) # raw_response will be a dictionary (loaded from the response's JSON), # therefore we can pass it as the InferenceResponse constructors' kwargs raw_response = response.json() inference_response = InferenceResponse(**raw_response) ``` ### Model Metadata Content types can also be defined as part of the [model's metadata](../reference/model-settings). This lets the user pre-configure what content types should a model use by default to decode / encode its requests / responses, without the need to specify it on each request. For example, to configure the content type values of the [example above](#usage), one could create a `model-settings.json` file like the one below: ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 2-4, 9-11 caption: model-settings.json --- { "parameters": { "content_type": "pd" }, "inputs": [ { "name": "First Name", "datatype": "BYTES", "parameters": { "content_type": "str" }, "shape": [-1], }, { "name": "Age", "datatype": "INT32", "shape": [-1], }, ] } ``` It's important to keep in mind that content types passed explicitly as part of the request will always **take precedence over the model's metadata**. Therefore, we can leverage this to override the model's metadata when needed. ## Available Content Types Out of the box, MLServer supports the following list of content types. However, this can be extended through the use of 3rd-party or custom runtimes. | Python Type | Content Type | Request Level | Request Codec | Input Level | Input Codec | | ------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------- | | [NumPy Array](#numpy-array) | `np` | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.NumpyRequestCodec` | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.NumpyCodec` | | [Pandas DataFrame](#pandas-dataframe) | `pd` | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.PandasCodec` | ❌ | | | [UTF-8 String](#utf-8-string) | `str` | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.string.StringRequestCodec` | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.StringCodec` | | [Base64](#base64) | `base64` | ❌ | | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.Base64Codec` | | [Datetime](#datetime) | `datetime` | ❌ | | ✅ | `mlserver.codecs.DatetimeCodec` | ```{note} MLServer allows you extend the supported content types by **adding custom ones**. To learn more about how to write your own custom content types, you can check this [full end-to-end example](../examples/content-type/README.md). You can also learn more about building custom extensions for MLServer on the [Custom Inference Runtime section](../runtimes/custom) of the docs. ``` ### NumPy Array ```{note} The [V2 Inference Protocol](https://docs.seldon.io/projects/seldon-core/en/latest/reference/apis/v2-protocol.html) expects that the `data` of each input is sent as a **flat array**. Therefore, the `np` content type will expect that tensors are sent flattened. The information in the `shape` field will then be used to reshape the vector into the right dimensions. ``` The `np` content type will decode / encode V2 payloads to a NumPy Array, taking into account the following: - The `datatype` field will be matched to the closest [NumPy `dtype`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.dtypes.html). - The `shape` field will be used to reshape the flattened array expected by the V2 protocol into the expected tensor shape. ```{note} By default, MLServer will always assume that an array with a single-dimensional shape, e.g. `[N]`, is equivalent to `[N, 1]`. That is, each entry will be treated like a single one-dimensional data point (i.e. instead of a `[1, D]` array, where the full array is a single `D`-dimensional data point). To avoid any ambiguity, where possible, the **Numpy codec will always explicitly encode `[N]` arrays as `[N, 1]`**. ``` For example, if we think of the following NumPy Array: ```python import numpy as np foo = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) ``` We could encode it as the input `foo` in a V2 protocol request as: `````{tab-set} ````{tab-item} JSON payload ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 8-10 --- { "inputs": [ { "name": "foo", "parameters": { "content_type": "np" }, "data": [1, 2, 3, 4] "datatype": "INT32", "shape": [2, 2], } ] } ``` ```` ````{tab-item} NumPy Request Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 1,4 --- from mlserver.codecs import NumpyRequestCodec # Encode an entire V2 request inference_request = NumpyRequestCodec.encode_request(foo) ``` ```` ````{tab-item} NumPy Input Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 2,8 --- from mlserver.types import InferenceRequest from mlserver.codecs import NumpyCodec # We can use the `NumpyCodec` to encode a single input head with name `foo` # within a larger request inference_request = InferenceRequest( inputs=[ NumpyCodec.encode_input("foo", foo) ] ) ``` ```` ````` When using the NumPy Array content type at the **request-level**, it will decode the entire request by considering only the first `input` element. This can be used as a helper for models which only expect a single tensor. ### Pandas DataFrame ```{note} The `pd` content type can be _stacked_ with other content types. This allows the user to use a different set of content types to decode each of the columns. ``` The `pd` content type will decode / encode a V2 request into a Pandas DataFrame. For this, it will expect that the DataFrame is shaped in a **columnar way**. That is, - Each entry of the `inputs` list (or `outputs`, in the case of responses), will represent a column of the DataFrame. - Each of these entires, will contain all the row elements for that particular column. - The `shape` field of each `input` (or `output`) entry will contain (at least) the amount of rows included in the dataframe. For example, if we consider the following dataframe: | A | B | C | | --- | --- | --- | | a1 | b1 | c1 | | a2 | b2 | c2 | | a3 | b3 | c3 | | a4 | b4 | c4 | We could encode it to the V2 Inference Protocol as: `````{tab-set} ````{tab-item} JSON Payload ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 3, 7-8, 13-14, 19-20 --- { "parameters": { "content_type": "pd" }, "inputs": [ { "name": "A", "data": ["a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"] "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [3], }, { "name": "B", "data": ["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4"] "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [3], }, { "name": "C", "data": ["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"] "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [3], }, ] } ``` ```` ````{tab-item} Pandas Request Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 3,11 --- import pandas as pd from mlserver.codecs import PandasCodec foo = pd.DataFrame({ "A": ["a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"], "B": ["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4"], "C": ["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"] }) inference_request = PandasCodec.encode_request(foo) ``` ```` ````` ### UTF-8 String The `str` content type lets you encode / decode a V2 input into a UTF-8 Python string, taking into account the following: - The expected `datatype` is `BYTES`. - The `shape` field represents the number of "strings" that are encoded in the payload (e.g. the `["hello world", "one more time"]` payload will have a shape of 2 elements). For example, when if we consider the following list of strings: ```python foo = ["bar", "bar2"] ``` We could encode it to the V2 Inference Protocol as: `````{tab-set} ````{tab-item} JSON Payload ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 3,7-8 --- { "parameters": { "content_type": "str" }, "inputs": [ { "name": "foo", "data": ["bar", "bar2"] "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [2], } ] } ``` ```` ````{tab-item} String Request Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 1,4 --- from mlserver.codecs.string import StringRequestCodec # Encode an entire V2 request inference_request = StringRequestCodec.encode_request(foo, use_bytes=False) ``` ```` ````{tab-item} String Input Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 2,8 --- from mlserver.types import InferenceRequest from mlserver.codecs import StringCodec # We can use the `StringCodec` to encode a single input head with name `foo` # within a larger request inference_request = InferenceRequest( inputs=[ StringCodec.encode_input("foo", foo, use_bytes=False) ] ) ``` ```` ````` When using the `str` content type at the request-level, it will decode the entire request by considering only the first `input` element. This can be used as a helper for models which only expect a single string or a set of strings. ### Base64 The `base64` content type will decode a binary V2 payload into a Base64-encoded string (and viceversa), taking into account the following: - The expected `datatype` is `BYTES`. - The `data` field should contain the base64-encoded binary strings. - The `shape` field represents the number of binary strings that are encoded in the payload. For example, if we think of the following _"bytes array"_: ```python foo = b"Python is fun" ``` We could encode it as the input `foo` of a V2 request as: `````{tab-set} ````{tab-item} JSON Payload ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 8-10 --- { "inputs": [ { "name": "foo", "parameters": { "content_type": "base64" }, "data": ["UHl0aG9uIGlzIGZ1bg=="] "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [1], } ] } ``` ```` ````{tab-item} Base64 Input Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 2,8 --- from mlserver.types import InferenceRequest from mlserver.codecs import Base64Codec # We can use the `Base64Codec` to encode a single input head with name `foo` # within a larger request inference_request = InferenceRequest( inputs=[ Base64Codec.encode_input("foo", foo, use_bytes=False) ] ) ``` ```` ````` ### Datetime The `datetime` content type will decode a V2 input into a [Python `datetime.datetime` object](https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime), taking into account the following: - The expected `datatype` is `BYTES`. - The `data` field should contain the dates serialised following the [ISO 8601 standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). - The `shape` field represents the number of datetimes that are encoded in the payload. For example, if we think of the following `datetime` object: ```python import datetime foo = datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 11, 11, 0, 0) ``` We could encode it as the input `foo` of a V2 request as: `````{tab-set} ````{tab-item} JSON Payload ```{code-block} json --- emphasize-lines: 8-10 --- { "inputs": [ { "name": "foo", "parameters": { "content_type": "datetime" }, "data": ["2022-01-11T11:00:00"] "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [1], } ] } ``` ```` ````{tab-item} Datetime Input Codec ```{code-block} python --- emphasize-lines: 2,8 --- from mlserver.types import InferenceRequest from mlserver.codecs import DatetimeCodec # We can use the `DatetimeCodec` to encode a single input head with name `foo` # within a larger request inference_request = InferenceRequest( inputs=[ DatetimeCodec.encode_input("foo", foo, use_bytes=False) ] ) ``` ```` `````