# Deployment with KServe MLServer is used as the [core Python inference server](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/sklearn/v2/) in [KServe (formerly known as KFServing)](https://kserve.github.io/website/). This allows for a straightforward avenue to deploy your models into a scalable serving infrastructure backed by Kubernetes. ```{note} This section assumes a basic knowledge of KServe and Kubernetes, as well as access to a working Kubernetes cluster with KServe installed. To learn more about [KServe](https://kserve.github.io/website/) or [how to install it](https://kserve.github.io/website/get_started/), please visit the [KServe documentation](https://kserve.github.io/website/). ``` ## Serving Runtimes KServe provides built-in [serving runtimes](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/serving_runtime/) to deploy models trained in common ML frameworks. These allow you to deploy your models into a robust infrastructure by just pointing to where the model artifacts are stored remotely. Some of these runtimes leverage MLServer as the core inference server. Therefore, it should be straightforward to move from your local testing to your serving infrastructure. ### Usage To use any of the built-in serving runtimes offered by KServe, it should be enough to select the relevant one your `InferenceService` manifest. For example, to serve a Scikit-Learn model, you could use a manifest like the one below: ```{code-block} yaml --- emphasize-lines: 7, 8 --- apiVersion: serving.kserve.io/v1beta1 kind: InferenceService metadata: name: my-model spec: predictor: sklearn: protocolVersion: v2 storageUri: gs://seldon-models/sklearn/iris ``` As you can see highlighted above, the `InferenceService` manifest will only need to specify the following points: - The model artifact is a Scikit-Learn model. Therefore, we will use the `sklearn` serving runtime to deploy it. - The model will be served using the [V2 inference protocol](https://docs.seldon.io/projects/seldon-core/en/latest/reference/apis/v2-protocol.html), which can be enabled by setting the `protocolVersion` field to `v2`. Once you have your `InferenceService` manifest ready, then the next step is to apply it to your cluster. There are multiple ways to do this, but the simplest is probably to just apply it directly through `kubectl`, by running: ```bash kubectl apply -f my-inferenceservice-manifest.yaml ``` ### Supported Serving Runtimes As mentioned above, KServe offers support for built-in serving runtimes, some of which leverage MLServer as the inference server. Below you can find a table listing these runtimes, and the MLServer inference runtime that they correspond to. | Framework | MLServer Runtime | KServe Serving Runtime | Documentation | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Scikit-Learn | [MLServer SKLearn](../../runtimes/sklearn) | `sklearn` | [SKLearn Serving Runtime](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/sklearn/v2/) | | XGBoost | [MLServer XGBoost](../../runtimes/xgboost) | `xgboost` | [XGBoost Serving Runtime](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/xgboost/) | Note that, on top of the ones shown above (backed by MLServer), KServe also provides a [wider set](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/serving_runtime/) of serving runtimes. To see the full list, please visit the [KServe documentation](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/serving_runtime/). ## Custom Runtimes Sometimes, the serving runtimes built into KServe may not be enough for our use case. The framework provided by MLServer makes it easy to [write custom runtimes](../../runtimes/custom), which can then get packaged up as images. These images then become self-contained model servers with your custom runtime. Therefore, it's easy to deploy them into your serving infrastructure leveraging KServe support for [custom runtimes](https://kserve.github.io/website/modelserving/v1beta1/custom/custom_model/#deploy-the-custom-predictor-on-kserve). ### Usage The `InferenceService` manifest gives you full control over the containers used to deploy your machine learning model. This can be leveraged to point your deployment to the [custom MLServer image containing your custom logic](../../runtimes/custom). For example, if we assume that our custom image has been tagged as `my-custom-server:0.1.0`, we could write an `InferenceService` manifest like the one below: ```{code-block} yaml --- emphasize-lines: 9, 11-12, 13-15 --- apiVersion: serving.kserve.io/v1beta1 kind: InferenceService metadata: name: my-model spec: predictor: containers: - name: classifier image: my-custom-server:0.1.0 env: - name: PROTOCOL value: v2 ports: - containerPort: 8080 protocol: TCP ``` As we can see highlighted above, the main points that we'll need to take into account are: - Pointing to our custom MLServer `image` in the custom container section of our `InferenceService`. - Explicitly choosing the [V2 inference protocol](https://docs.seldon.io/projects/seldon-core/en/latest/reference/apis/v2-protocol.html) to serve our model. - Let KServe know what port will be exposed by our custom container to send inference requests. Once you have your `InferenceService` manifest ready, then the next step is to apply it to your cluster. There are multiple ways to do this, but the simplest is probably to just apply it directly through `kubectl`, by running: ```bash kubectl apply -f my-inferenceservice-manifest.yaml ```